First off, thank you for taking the time to drop by. Thank you for taking the time to click through and stumble upon my page, I appreciate you taking the time and effort to hear what I have to say. I always want to start my blog posts with a thank you. In today’s day and age, your time is absolutely precious and I want to make it worth your while coming here and checking out what I have to offer. I am a guy who loves to absorb content. Now, that may sound like the most generic statement anyone could ever possibly say, but its true…I freaking love going sifting through content and always trying to distill it to my friends and family. There is a ton of content out there with impossible amount flooding our societal stream. Everything from YouTube to the written word can hold incredible value and information to better ones life. I have made countless recommendations to my friends and family, and that is something I truly enjoy. For a while now, I have thought about creating my site and start to produce my own content. My ideas started to take form to talking about creating, and you can only talk so much before its time to put up or shut up. My goal with all my own content is pure and simple, I want to share with all of you the joy that I get out of playing video games, trying new experiences, reading new books, listening to new music, reviewing movies. I want to open the doors to my life and in the beginning I will try new formats and mediums true to my form. You will not like everything I produce, you will not agree with me on most topics. What I hope you do like is how I measure the content with an open mind and a borderline overwhelming sense of positive flavor. If you ever find yourself questioning whether to see a movie or read a comic book, I want you to come here and see if I have gone through it. If I haven’t, please suggest it to me. I want to be your arbiter into the unknown and you all to be my conduit to new worlds. I would like for all of you to allow me to LetMeBeFrank!